
The film follows a group of medical students who discover a way to bring dead patients back to life.

Release: February 27, 2015
Director: David Gelb
Written By: Luke Dawson and Jeremy Slater
Starring: Mark Duplass, Olivia Wilde, Evan Peters and Donald Glover
Producers: Jason Blum, Cody Zweig, Matt Kaplan and Jimmy Miller
Executive Producers: Luke Dawson and Gloria Fan


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About Stuart Conover

Stuart Conover is a father, husband, blogger, published author, geek, entrepreneur, editor of Buy Zombie, horror fanatic, science fiction junkie, lives in a world of comics, and a casual gamer (all of this when his wife lets him of course.) He fell in love with science fiction and horror at the same time while watching the movie Alien at probably far too young of an age while still being extremely impressionable and has been happily obsessed with both since!