The Eerie Brothers and the Witches of Autumn
Sheldon Higdon
Scary Dairy Press LLC (September 4, 2023)
Reviewed by Nora B. Peevy

The Eerie Brothers and the Witches of Autumn finds Horace and Edgar, the twin Eerie brothers, battling monsters to stop Hex from collecting one of the four globes to absorb the abilities of other witches to rule in the present world. Oh, and along the way they’ve also got to find their lost mother and their Aunt Jan, whom they accidentally spelled into another world. With the help of their friends Lenore and Seamus, they set off on a harrowing and impossible journey in this delightful coming of age novel.

Higdon strikes all the hallmarks of a young adult novel just right. The Eerie twins battle danger, but young adult readers, from their safe zone, can confront their own self-discovery through the two main characters with a bit of snark and a lot of laughter and monsters. Oh, the monsters! I loved the monsters. If you’re looking for a great book for your preteen to put them in a Halloween mood or to read with them on a cold autumn night, this is the book for you.

About Nora B. Peevy

Nora B. Peevy is a cat trapped in a human’s body. Please send help or tuna. She toils away for JournalStone and Trepidatio Publishing as a submissions reader, is a co-editor for Alien Sun Press, the newest reviewer for Hellnotes, and has been published by Eighth Tower Press, Weird Fiction Quarterly, and other places. Usually, you can find her on Facebook asking for help escaping from her human body or to get tuna. Tuna is nice. Cats like tuna.